Wednesday 15 June 2011

Oasis Campaign: "It'll go with anything"

 There is no set formula for what makes a successful advert, One mans "meerkat" is another's "we buy any car".
The latest Oasis campaign however ticks some of the key boxes when considering what I think can make an campaign successful.

The campaign created by VCCP and currently visible on TV, You tube ,and outdoor relies on a cheeky British sense of humour and some clever innuendo to get its point across. The brand is now approaching it's consumers with a humour led proposition that is suggestive and clever enough to win over a hardened cynic such as myself.

The strap line of "It'll go with anything" is a fantastic way to encourage regular Oasis purchases for all types of lunches and snacks. See the "Scotch egg" version of the ad here.

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